Dental Implants vs. Bridges: Which Is the Right Choice for You?

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may consider two of the most popular options to replace them: dental implants and bridges. Each has advantages and disadvantages. The ideal choice for you depends on your individual needs and preferences.


What Are Dental Implants?


Dental implants leverage modern technology to provide an effective and long-lasting solution to replace missing teeth. They are surgically inserted into the jawbone as a root for replacement teeth. 

Dental implants are biocompatible titanium or titanium alloy that fuses with the jawbone over time. Once the implant fuses with the jawbone, a dental crown or bridge will be attached to replace the missing tooth or teeth. Dental implants are the gold standard of tooth replacement due to their longevity, durability, and natural appearance.


What Are Dental Bridges?


Dental bridges consist of two or more dental crowns anchored to the teeth on either side of the gap, with an artificial tooth placed between them. The dental crowns are of porcelain, gold, or ceramic materials, and the artificial tooth matches the color and shape of the surrounding teeth. 

Dental bridges are less invasive than dental implants. However, they are not as long-lasting and do not provide the same stability and support as implants.


Comparison of Longevity


Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. The implant is a permanent fixture in your mouth. But the crown or bridge attached to it may need replacing over time due to wear and tear. 

Dental bridges typically need to be replaced every 10 to 15 years due to wear and tear. The teeth anchoring the bridge can weaken over time, and the bridge can become worn or damaged.


Comparison of Cost


Dental implants are more expensive than dental bridges, especially if multiple implants are necessary. The cost of dental implants can vary with the number of implants needed and other factors like the complexity of the procedure. 

However, their cost pays in the long run, as they are less likely to require repair or replacement than bridges. Dental implants offer a more natural appearance and stability than bridges, making them a worthwhile investment for many patients.


Comparison of Comfort


Many people report that dental implants are more comfortable than bridges. Implants are securely anchored into the jawbone; they do not move or shift as bridges can. You can eat and speak better with them. In contrast, a prosthetic feels unstable or loose, which can be frustrating.


Comparison of Maintenance


Both dental implants and bridges require maintenance to stay in good condition. Implants need to be brushed and flossed just like natural teeth, while bridges require special flossing techniques to clean under the artificial tooth. Implants are easier to maintain in the long run, as they are less likely to need repair or replacement over time.


Comparison of Candidacy


Not every person is a candidate for dental implants. A healthy jawbone strong enough to support the implant is ideal for implants. You also need to be in good overall health and have healthy gums. A dental bridge may be better if you do not meet these criteria.

For more information on dental implants vs. bridges, visit Fei Hwang, D.D.S., Milpitas Family and Cosmetic Dentist, at our office in Milpitas, California. Call (408) 729-7882 to discuss any questions with our team of experts or to schedule an appointment today.

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